Wednesday 18 September 2013

There are key film languages within media, the key technical components of a film can be divided into two key categories, and these are:
·         Macro elements- This refers to Genre, Narrative and script writing
·         Micro elements- This refers to camera work, sound, editing within a film, the smaller detail in a film


What we have learned about genre is that, genre is categories of films, such as there are western films such as Django, high noon and many more, action films such as the expendables, the terminator etc, comedy, horror, thriller and etc. There is a huge range of genres of films. If for example we were where watching a horror genre of film things such as, ghosts, devil, vampires would be the characters in it, the settings would be dark, it’d make you feel intense and keep you to the edge of your seat at all times if the horror will was good. Also a good horror will would keep on building up suspense for the viewer as to it would make them think, what’s going to happen next? Is that person going to make it out alive?


A narrative is a story which is a sequence of events which often could be said is the plot of the film. A narrative structure is the way in which those events are revealed to the audience, there are two ways in which this could be and these are linear narrative and non-linear narrative. Linear narrative is the sequence of events in the film are shown in the order that they took place, the beginning, middle, and the end. This is the most popular form of narrative structure that are used in films. Non-linear films are films that the sequence of events are revealed out of the expected order ad this is called pulp fiction, an example of this is the film memento, the outlay of the film is that they run it backwards and start the end of the film from the beginning at the beginning of the film is at the end.

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